How to Remove Carpet Stains Part 1
Nothing looks or feels as good as walking on beautiful, clean carpet. However, all too frequently accidental spills, pet accidents or mud is tracked in from the outside and our carpet starts to look less than beautiful. Some carpet stains are easy to remove, while others may take a professional touch.
Red wine can be particularly difficult to remove. If the spill is fresh, it’s good to gently sop up any liquid that’s resting on the top of the carpet. Be sure not to press too hard. By pressing hard on the stain, you’ll allow the liquid to get to the carpet pad and it will be impossible to remove the carpet stain at that point. If the carpet pad has soaked up the red wine, it’s best for us to cut a patch of carpet and replace the section damaged by the red wine stain. Some people have had luck with removing red wine stains with vinegar and a clear dishwashing liquid. We’ve heard about the method of covering the red wine stain with salt, allowing the salt to soak up the wine. In our experience, the salt method alone has never completely removed a red wine stain.
With stains that have solid matter (vomit, dog/cat accidents) it’s best to carefully remove the solid portion and use a mixture of vinegar and clear dishwashing liquid to remove the stain. Some people swear by first sprinkling the stain with baking soda, letting the baking soda dry on the stain, and then vacuuming up the baking soda. After the baking soda is vacuumed up, they then use the vinegar and clear dishwashing liquid. If you’ve tried this method, let us know how it worked for you.
Paint stains are a completely different story. We don’t recommend that you try to remove paint or nail polish from a carpet. If you try to use nail polish remover or paint thinner, you’re most likely going to just make the damaged carpet area larger. With paint on the carpet, it’s best to call a professional, especially if the area of carpet affected by the paint is significant.
If you have a carpet stain on your hands and you would like to get rid of it…we can help. Our expert carpet repair technicians know what it takes to get stains out. Not every stain is treated the same. Give us a call and we help you love your carpet again. We’re your hometown carpet repair service.
Serving the greater Albuquerque metro area, 505.331.7469 .